Dog Bay (North, Central, and South)

Significant Drill Results
Dog Bay North
Quinlan Veins
- Limited drilling yielded results of up to 8.69 g/t Au over 0.45 m from at the Quinlan Veins (2021 Drilling)
- Up to 61.26 Au g/t, 58.96 g/t Au, and 14.44 g/t Au from grab samples taken from quartz veins in outcrop at Quinlan Veins (2021 Samples)
Hunts Cove
- Up to 11.81 g/t Au, 34.60 g/t Ag, 15,400 ppm Pb, 104,000 ppm Zn from grab samples taken from sub-crop (2021 Samples)
- Up to 2.82 g/t Au, 2.82 g/t Ag, >1000.00 ppm As, 773.00 ppm Cu, 16 ppm Sb, 114,000 ppm Zn (2023 Samples)
Dog Bay Central
- First-pass drilling at the Titan property yielded results of:
- TI-22-002: 2.82 g/t Au / 3.50 m
- Including 14.80 g/t Au / 0.40 m
- TI-22-004: 3.10 g/t Au / 3.23 m
- Including 16.10 g/t Au / 0.40 m
- TI-22-015: 3.69 g/t Au / 1.65 m
- Including 5.66 g/t Au / 0.70 m
- TI-22-002: 2.82 g/t Au / 3.50 m
Dog Bay Line Soil Anomalies
- Identified new prospective gold zone at Second Pond extending over approximately 2 km of strike-length that returned gold-in-soil values up to 1.0 g/t Au.
- Confirmed and extended significant gold signatures surrounding historic showings (Clutha, Clutha North and Duder Lake)
- Gold-in-soils results as high as 5.4 g/t Au (Duder Lake), 3.6 g/t Au (Clutha North), and 1.8 g/t Au (Clutha).
- Most significant gold-in-soil clusters located coincident with interpreted extension of the Dog Bay Line fault outlined from VTEM interpretation.
Dog Bay South
- Lil’ Joanna showing with quartz veining and visible gold, grab samples up to 194 g/t Au
- Limited drilling at Lil’ Joanna yielded results of up to 1.85 g/t Au / 1.00 m
Key Highlights
The Dog Bay Property is transected by approximately 18.5 km of strike length of the Dog Bay Line fault (and interpreted extension), as well as approximately 22.5 km of strike length of the Reach Fault (and interpreted extension); both the Dog Bay Line and Reach Fault are major regional structures known for their relationship with gold mineralization.
Encompasses multiple geological settings, including siliciclastic sediments and intrusions, conducive to gold exploration.
Historic targets like Clutha, Duder Lake, and the Quinlan Veins have shown promising gold-in-soil anomalies and drill results.
Geological Features
- Primarily underlain by Early Ordovician to Early Silurian siliciclastic sediments, with significant structural control from the Dog Bay Line and Reach Fault.
- The Dog Bay Line is a key structural feature that has been correlated with gold mineralization throughout the Exploits Subzone.
Historical Exploration & Results
Exploration Activities
2021: Conducted a 3,173 line-km airborne VTEM survey, targeting deep structures like the Dog Bay Line; Conducted first-pass drilling at Quinlan Vein’s
2022: Completed extensive soil sampling program with over 8,000 samples, identifying gold-in-soil trends at Duder Lake and Second Pond; Conducted first-pass drilling at Titan following up on historical drilling and sampling
2023: Additional prospecting and mapping identified additional anomalous zones for potential follow-up
- Ongoing focus on geophysical surveys, soil sampling, and targeted drilling across the Dog Bay Property’s subdivisions
- Continuous appraisal of prospective targets using advanced geophysical data and field prospecting
Drill Results
Accessible by road from Lewisporte and nearby communities such as Gander and Stoneville. Well-connected by the provincial highway network, allowing easy access for exploration activities.